A Very Special Merry Christmas Message

A Very Special Merry Christmas Message

As you read this message today, we know that some of you have been under tremendous stress, pain, suffering, or grief, and may have even experienced loss over the last two years. Some of you may be celebrating Christmas alone for the first time in years, some of you may be seeing family for the first time in years, and some of you may be experiencing your first Christmas without that special loved one. Joy and grief. Sadness and laughter. All coexisting together in what can feel like an overwhelming weight, especially this time of year.

Yet. We want each and every person reading this message to know:

We have hope. 

Unto us a child was born - and that child brought peace, love, and hope to us all. Hope for our humanity. Hope that this is not the end. Hope that all things will be made new again. 

So this season, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus our King and Savior of the world, remember these words:
"And the angel said to them: Do not be afraid; for behold I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all people. Today in the city of David there has been born to you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 
...Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." (Luke 2:10-11;14)

Thank you for being a part of our story. We stand in hope with you and wish you a very Merry Christmas! 


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My sister introduced me to your company and clothes a year or so ago and I’ve loved everything I’ve purchased and all the live try ons you do. But more than anything I have been so impressed by reading the uplifting, loving and supportive messages that I see on your Facebook page where you cheer each other on and even give worlds of comfort in times of need. I am especially grateful for the love and friendship that you give to my sister Jessica who lives in an area where there aren’t many friends for her and I see how you have become a group of friends/family for her! I echo Melissa’s message that Jesus was born to be the Savior of the world and I hope at this time of year that we can be mindful of the fact that he came here to minister to everyone, especially those in great need. My “Christmas wish” this year is that we look for ways to serve others even if that means that we smile or say hello to a stranger because we never know what impact our positive actions can make for someone, and that we will be His hands as we reach out to our sisters and brothers throughout the world.
Merry Christmas to the people within this company and to the many whose lives you’ve changed, if for nothing else than the forum you’ve provided for women to support women in a loving and encouraging way. And Merry Christmas to all of you ladies that offer your friendship so freely to everyone involved, and the happiest New Year ever!

Rachelle Terry

Merry Christmas!!! And this is why I will always support you and buy from you! Despite the fact your clothes are the cutest and comfiest clothes out there, the biggest reason I buy from you is that you always point to Christ! May He show your favor in the years to come! Jesus is our Hope! Merry Christmas!!!

Michelle Harris

Thank you for always pointing back to truth of Scripture. There IS hope, and His name is Jesus! You have an audience. Never stop sharing the Good News! Merry Christmas to all the families of Grace & Lace!

Patricia Westry

Thank you for always pointing back to truth of Scripture. There IS hope, and His name is Jesus! You have an audience. Never stop sharing the Good News! Merry Christmas to all the families of Grace & Lace!

Patricia Westry

Thank you for reminding us all of the true meaning of Christmas! Merry Christmas!

Kim Myrum

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