A Very Special Merry Christmas Message

A Very Special Merry Christmas Message

As you read this message today, we know that some of you have been under tremendous stress, pain, suffering, or grief, and may have even experienced loss over the last two years. Some of you may be celebrating Christmas alone for the first time in years, some of you may be seeing family for the first time in years, and some of you may be experiencing your first Christmas without that special loved one. Joy and grief. Sadness and laughter. All coexisting together in what can feel like an overwhelming weight, especially this time of year.

Yet. We want each and every person reading this message to know:

We have hope. 

Unto us a child was born - and that child brought peace, love, and hope to us all. Hope for our humanity. Hope that this is not the end. Hope that all things will be made new again. 

So this season, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus our King and Savior of the world, remember these words:
"And the angel said to them: Do not be afraid; for behold I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all people. Today in the city of David there has been born to you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 
...Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." (Luke 2:10-11;14)

Thank you for being a part of our story. We stand in hope with you and wish you a very Merry Christmas! 


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Your message is the one our world needs to hear! Our hope, our future and the future of mankind rests solely with Jesus Christ! Thank you for using your platform to further His Word!

Judy Hutson-Summers

Words spoken right to my heart and soul at a time they’re much needed! Merry Christmas from our family to yours, as we all know G&L is a household name!

Heather Orth

TY for such a heartfelt message! I have lost my Mom Dad Sis -aunt n Uncle and my beloved Poodle:( Im very thankful I have My Husband Son and brother-and we’re all healthy and hubby is recovering from his hip replacement. Im very happy to be supporting such a lovely and caring Company… Ty and Merry Christmas to you all:)

Laura F Craft

This is the single reason why I support grace & lace is because they are unashamed of the gospel! You further the kingdom one piece of clothing at a time! MERRY CHRISTMAS as we celebrate our King Jesus- Yeshua HaMashiach (Hebrew for Jesus The Messiah)!!!

Lucy Wallace

All of you, and Grace and Lace as a company, are an inspiration. A ray of light promising God’s healing through the Love of Christ….many thanks, blessings and prayers for a joyful 2022 !

Sue Solomon

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