Linen Scarves Building a Community

This year we made the decision to make our linen skip stitch scarves in India. Making our scarves in India brings our desire to help the poorest of the poor full circle. The scarves are made by women in the same province/community as where our Halle House Orphanages are being built. We partnered with Angel House to build the orphanages and they believe that the entire community must be willing to step up and mentor these children. These children will become an integral part of the community. These children will be nurtured emotionally, physically and spiritually. We have all heard the phrase “a rising tide lifts all boats,” and that is what we endeavor to do in these communities. The orphaned children have a community that has a vested interest in them and their well-being. A community that can support them because there are resources and jobs available to those that might not have them.

Not to mention, India has some of the most amazing linen blends and textiles I have felt! The colors are rich and brilliant.

Rick and I are blessed to be in the position to finally bring real change to the lives of so many. To see the seed that was planted in my heart fifteen years ago finally sprout is amazing. I owe thanks to all of you who have supported Grace and Lace over the past two years.

In a couple of weeks Rick and I are heading over to India to help open the first two Halle House orphanages. We will get to see with our own eyes the children who will be living there. Children that all of you helped to save from the streets. We will get to meet the women whose lives have been changed by weaving our beautiful scarves. We are so excited to meet this community and see our dream brought to life.

How amazing is it that YOU are helping us change the world? Rick and I are so honored and humbled to share this adventure with you. Spread the word if you feel led, because our task is not small. We invite you to help change the world with us!

We want to share our joy with all of you as well, so in light of our upcoming trip to India the Linen Skip-Stitch scarves will be 40% off for the next two days. Join with us in our amazing mission with the coupon code "INDIAMISSION".

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