Our Mission, Today And Every Day
January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. To date, it’s estimated that 4 million men, women, and children are being exploited for their bodies and for labor. It’s modern day slavery that holds more people captive now than at any other time in history.
Here at Grace and Lace, we fully believe that God has given us this business as a platform. We work with diligence and do our very best, but leave the results to God. This is His business and we are simply the stewards. Our mission is simple, but hard fought: change the world for the better.

As a teenager in 1999, instead of lying poolside, Melissa spent her summer with the poorest of the poor in India. She worked helping those in need and most importantly bringing the love of Christ to orphans and those who did not know Him. She left there crying and praying, wishing she could do more. Our heart is to scoop these little children off the streets and give them shelter, food to eat, fresh well water to drink, clothes on their backs, and most importantly, to raise them in Christ.
We began partnering with Angel House in 2013 to build orphanages in India for these children, living alone without a safe place to stay and highly at-risk for being trafficked. Then and now, a portion of every single purchase you make goes towards providing safe, loving homes, quality education, and food and water for those children in need.

In 2017, we opened our first Freedom Home - which instantly saved over 60 girls living in Nepal from the horrors of trafficking. That Freedom Home continues to house women and children, allowing the women to learn a trade to become independent and break the abuse cycle.
2020 was a year like no other. Despite the challenges we all faced, your continued support in offering Grace & Lace to your customers allowed Angel House to continue to provide homes, safety, and a loving environment to orphans in India and victims of human trafficking in Nepal. You helped those who, because of worldwide economic challenges, became more at risk than ever.

To date, we now have 12 orphanages, giving homes and changing the lives of hundreds of children. Our Freedom Home in Nepal continues to provide safety and healing to rescued victims. In 2017, we became co-directors of a new school in India for over 450 boys, many who tragically lost their parents due to religious persecution.
It’s been proven we are stronger together. It’s inspiring to have you join with us in using your purchasing power for good to change the lives of so many around the world, today and every day.
Quick Facts
- It’s estimated that over 70% of human trafficking victims worldwide are women and children.
- Children affected by the orphan crisis worldwide are more likely to fall victim to some form of human trafficking.
- In the US, over half of all reported cases of trafficking involve children.
- Super Bowl weekend is one of the highest reported weekends of human trafficking incidents in the US. In 2019, A21 launched their “It’s A Penalty” commercial featuring pro football players aimed at bringing awareness to trafficking. It reached an estimated 138 million people. **
It’s important to educate yourself on the signs of human trafficking. The National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline is available 24-7 to submit a tip about potential incidents of trafficking. If you or someone you know is in need of help, please call 1 (888) 373-7888 or text “help” or “info” to 233733.
I have been wanting to open a orphanage in the USA, will you reach out to me for mentorship? Thank you
I have been wanting to open a orphanage in the USA, will you reach out to me for mentorship? Thank you