Meet the G&L Team - Meet Paul!

Meet the G&L Team - Meet Paul!

Paul meet the team

Next in our Meet The Team series is Paul! Paul keeps things running behind the scenes at the warehouse to keep your shopping experience as smooth as possible each week. Let's hear more from Paul! 

What is your role at Grace & Lace? 

I am the Inventory Control Specialist.

What does a normal day look like for you?

Root Cause Analysis of inventory discrepancies, receiving incoming inventory, preparing the system for each product launch, post launch enabling system syncs and buffers, and making sure all production equipment is ready for the live streams!

Name one Grace and Lace piece you can't live without.

mask for men

I couldn't have gotten through 2020 without my Grace and Lace Mask.

What is your favorite part about working for Grace and Lace?

The company culture. Everyone here is a great culture fit and you can see that in how pleasant everyone is to work with even when things get crazy busy.

What is your favorite Grace and Lace memory? 

The first site-wide cycle count that I was in charge of after starting. We had 2 with potentially a 3rd day blocked out for it, and everyone executed the plan so well we got it done in 1 day. The second site wide we improved even further and now can complete it in less than a business day. It just makes me so happy to have been part of such a massive and measurable process improvement like that.

Tell us 3 fun facts about yourself!

My wife and I had our first date on a day of perfect squares (2/4/16).
I once played a game on camera for 42 hours straight to win a contest.
I played alto saxophone on a stage at Disney World as part of a high school band trip.

When I am not working you can catch me... 

Doing live broadcasts playing video games on the website Twitch.

What are some hopes & dreams you have for yourself in 2021? 

I'd like to get back to traveling 3-4 times a year to see family, specifically to see my newborn niece! I have 3 live shows for my twitch channel in the works I'd like to finish production of and have airing on a schedule by the end of the year. I'm working on a sci-fi adaptation of Dungeons & Dragons 5E I'd like to have in a playable state.

Thanks for sharing, Paul! What we'd all like to know is - did you win that contest after the 42 hours?? If you appreciate Paul working to keep those launch days prepped and ready for you, drop a comment for him below! 
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Hi Paul, Just wanted to let you know how much you’re appreciated. All of us Grace & Lace VIPs and fans depend on you to keep that inventory straight! And can we talk about the buffers?! I know I’m not the only one that keeps refreshing the page hoping to snag a.popular new release item. Tomorrow is a launch day. I’ll be thinking of you & praying that you have a great day. Thanks for all you do.

Sherry Franken

Thanks for everything you do to make this amazing company run smoothly, Paul!


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