Be Kind To Yourself: How to practice self kindness

Be Kind To Yourself: How to practice self kindness

We’re entering into a new season, and welcoming the new can sometimes feel heavy for us. If you’re a mom or caregiver, this can mean getting the kids back to school and into a routine. If you’re a student or teacher, this can mean getting
yourself  back to school and into a routine! Changing temps outside means changing seasons, and we can be tempted to rush ahead, stretching ourselves back into an old familiar rhythm that might have left little room for self care. At Grace and Lace, one of our core values as a company is to help you look and feel great in our clothes while going about your day. Feeling great can become tricky when we unintentionally spend our focus caring for others around us instead of including ourselves on that list! After all, the world only has one you. We need you, and you are here for a reason! 

Practicing self care or self kindness doesn’t have to mean scheduling a massage every week (although we’d be all for that!). It can mean learning to slow down and be mindful of what you need.

Here are four simple ways you can give yourself the gift of kindness. 


We live in an age where information is all around us, accessible at all times. Good news, bad news, it’s all there in the palm of our hand in the shape of a phone. The world is literally at our fingertips. While it’s important for us to know about the world around us, it’s also important for us to care for our families and ourselves well. How do we show ourselves kindness when some days feel overwhelming? Breathe. Take a moment to pay attention to your body. Are you feeling tense? Are your shoulders sitting at your ears? Is your jaw clenched? Put one hand over your heart and take a deep breath. When we take a deep breath, we not only give our body the oxygen it needs, but we also give our body a sense of calm and well being. It also can encourage our brain to feel more energy and focus. Being mindful of how you are breathing throughout your day is one simple but powerful way to care for yourself. 


Work. Appointments. Meetings. Carpool. What’s for dinner. There is a lot you’re responsible for! So many of us tend to pack our day with productive and sometimes very necessary tasks.

Give yourself the gift of time before responding to something like a non-urgent text or cramming in just one more errand to your already busy day. Leaving room in your day for margin can allow you to take a moment and pause before you tackle the next thing on your to do list. Don’t worry if this is hard at first - give yourself grace! Consider setting a reminder on your watch or using the One Minute Pause app to help you establish this into your daily routine. 


Our bodies and minds have been through a lot in the last year and a half, and are still continuing to learn what our “new normal” looks like. Many of us are still processing and adjusting. Show yourself kindness by connecting. Reach out to a trusted friend to catch up over coffee. Connect with all of the feelings you may be processing by journaling (and give yourself time to pause to write down and identify each feeling). You can also connect with what your body needs from food. What have I eaten today? How am I feeling? What am I craving and why? Have I had water today? (No, iced coffee does not count!). Connecting also can look like giving yourself grace. Be kind to your heart! If quarantines and working from home gave your body a new shape that feels unfamiliar, that’s ok. Our team cares deeply about helping you find the right, flattering fit for your unique self. Also, our Facebook VIP group is an uplifting community of women of all shapes and sizes and a great place to connect with others, ask questions about fit and different styles, and find a new friend!


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Our bodies are capable of carrying us through tremendous things, especially in the last year or so. We are still navigating so many new “norms”, while craving the comfort of old routines. Give yourself permission to rest! 

Here in America, we tend to hustle and save up our rest times for the weekends or when we cash in our vacation time. But resting well is a necessary practice we can have daily. Consider being mindful of your rest and sleep habits. If you’re having trouble sleeping, it can be helpful to have screen-free time before bed to help signal your brain it’s time to rest. If you are an early riser, try to wind down your evening early to give yourself plenty of time to get a full night’s sleep. Resting also can look like enjoying a favorite activity you may not always make time for! Taking a walk outside, riding a bike, curling up with a good book you’ve been meaning to read - these are all simple but good ways to be kind to yourself. Take a moment to listen to what you need. If you’re feeling run down or exhausted, it’s ok to consider canceling those dinner plans in exchange for an evening of taking care of your heart by resting! 

Learning to show ourselves kindness is not only a benefit to us, but to others as well. Being kind to our own hearts, minds, and bodies allows us to extend that kindness to others more easily. And if there’s anything this world needs more of, it’s kindness. 

What is one way you’ve learned how to practice self kindness? Do you have a friend who needs to hear this? We’d love for you to share what’s helped you below in the comments, or share this with anyone who needs it!


  • Breathing for Healing - E. Allen, DPT, COMT
  • Unstuckologist -
  • Get Your Life Back; One Minute Pause app - J. Eldridge
  • Rhythms of Renewal - R. Lyons
  • Back to blog

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